Nancy Stewart - Children's music concert and recordings
Home About Nancy Stewart Birthday Parties Women's Concert





C  O  L  L  E  C  T  I  O  N

The heart of this website is a collection of songs posted monthly over twenty years of singing with and for children. These songs are archived and free for you to download, sing, and share. Every song has sheet music, chords, lyrics, and many have activities and ideas and printables. They are sorted alphabetically, by month and year (a great tool for finding seasonal songs), and by playlist. They have been kid, teacher, parent, and librarian tested. There are no ads to slow you down, just free songs for singing and dancing, learning and imagining.

And be sure to check out my YouTube channel for videos of many of these songs and more!



For even MORE free songs, please visit my companion website,


Bedtime Tune Time is a special collection of 130 short nightly song videos designed to help you transition your kids to bedtime. They are also a great resource providing video demos of most of my songs for teachers and librarians.

Songs and printables on this website are free to use for any purpose that is not for profit. (You may video and share yourself using these resources.) Please just cite and share my website.  READ DETAILS

           CONTACT ME:
Nancy Stewart / Friends Street Music
6505 SE 28th
Mercer Island, WA 98040
PHONE: (206) 232-1078       
FAX (206) 232-0292  

Copyright and Use of Songs and Materials on this website:

All songs on this website have been written and copyrighted/published by Nancy Stewart, except when noted as being traditional. Copyright information can be found on Sheet music and or lyrics page

Permission to use and reproduce:
Schools and libraries may use and reproduce or share all materials freely. This includes recording, video recording, printing, and posting on social media and school or library websites. Please credit Nancy Stewart and link to website in online use.
Personal Use:
Materials may be freely reproduced for personal use
Commercial Use and Monetization:
Please contact Nancy for permission and any licensing fees.