This is a traditional song and a
seasonal favorite. I do it as a felt board song, using a felt trunk,
leaves, and apples. I use only 3 apples when singing with
two-year-olds, but do 5 when singing with preschoolers. You can also
make the apples yellow and green, instead of just red and expand the
song with a discussion of different kinds of apples and what they
are used for (eating, applesauce, pie, salad)
Additionally, after I have picked all the apples off the tree I say
something like, “ Now the apples are gone, so let’s put some birds
on the tree.” Then I go right into
Bluebird, Bluebird.
(I use the shorter version of the song), placing different colored
felt birds on the tree.
The Farmer's Apple Tree
On the farmer’s apple tree, three
red apples
(hold up three fingers)
I can see
(circle fingers around
eyes like glasses and look around)
Some for you and some for me
(point to another person,
then self)
Pick one apple from the apple tree
(reach up high and pick an
apple, pretend to take a bite)
(Repeat with 2 and 1)
