I wrote this song to teach
the youngest children (1-2 year olds) a few simple animal signs. I was
surprised to find that children as old as six enjoy this very simple song as
well. Visit any of the ASL websites to see animated demonstrations of animal
signs. Or check out a book of simple signs from your local library. I suggest
holding up a picture of each animal as well. You may want to sing this song
year-round, or when studying groups of animals. For example, sing only about
pets when learning about pets, zoo animals when learning about the zoo, etc.
Little Cat
by Nancy Stewart
© 2001
Little cat (meow),
little cat (meow),
There’s a little cat walking
all around
Little cat (meow),
little cat (meow)
There’s a little cat walking
all around.
(repeat with
duck, pig, mouse, and others)
Animal Signs
Cat: thumbs and fingers of both hands stroke an
imaginary pair of whiskers at either side of the face.
Duck: The right hand is held with its back
resting against the mouth. The thumb, index and middle fingers come together
repeatedly indicating the opening and closing of a broad bill.
Pig: down-turned right hand prone is placed under
chin, fingers pointing forward. The hand, held in this position
swings alternately up and down
Mouse: wrinkle nose as you hold index finger of
one hand up and brush back and forth across nose.
