Every tree has roots
(arms facing down with fingers spread on floor)
A trunk
(arms facing up from elbows with fingers
closed in fists)
And leaves
(open fingers, spread wide)
And flowers too
(wiggle fingers)
The flowers and leaves and trunk and roots
All have a job to do
(repeat above movements in reverse)
It all begins with the
For they keep the seeds that grow
When they’re carried by the wind,
The birds and squirrels,
Down to the ground below.
The leaves are a food
Using sun and water too
We call it photosynthesis,
The trees just call it food.
The trunk is the highway of
the tree,
It takes the water from the roots below
Up to the leaves, then it sends the food
back down so the roots will grow.
The roots take the water
and minerals
From the soil where they grow
Send them up to the leaves and get the food they need
To spread out in the ground below.
Working together all these
Make a lovely place to be
A home to squirrels, birds, and bugs,
And a shady place to sit and sing.