in the Seattle area it’s a big deal when we get snow. And when
we do, everything stops for a while. We all just look in wonder
and adults comment on how quiet it is. No cars on the street, no
birds singing; even the snow falling makes no sound. In this
song I hope to capture that magical time between the first snow
falling and the children bursting outside, bundled up and full
of whooping and hollering! I have sung this song with dozens of
children the last couple of weeks, and I simply instruct them to
hold as still as they can for the WHOLE song! It’s a study in
self control and awareness of their environment- and it worked
really well (the teachers asked me if I can stay all day!) But
of course, we follow up with joyful singing and dancing. Try it
yourself… and for yourself!
Wintertime Is Here
(I’m Staying Just as Still As I
Wintertime is here and the snow is falling down
Like a curtain of white floating gently to the ground
It’s so quiet, all is quiet
And I'm staying just as still as I can
Wintertime is here, all the leaves are off the trees
and their branches bare their beautiful bones to me
It’s so quiet, all is quiet
And I'm staying just as still as I can
Wintertime is here and in the clear and darkened sky
I can see the stars above as they twinkle and shine
It’s so quiet, all is quiet
And I'm staying just as still as I can
Wintertime is here, there’s a chilling in the air
In my warm winter clothing I am cozy as a bear
It’s so quiet, I am quiet
And I'm staying just as still as I can
It’s so quiet, I am quiet
And I'm staying just as still as I can