As I was building my concert for the 2015 summer reading theme,
“Every Hero Has a Story,” I remembered reading these amazing
stories about librarians who came up with the idea of using
animals to carry books to children who had no library. I hope
this songs sparks a conversation with your children about not
only how lucky we are to
have libraries, but how librarians
everywhere advocate to make sure every child has access to
books. You can also hear my Song for the Children’s Librarian
HERE. They are true heroes all over the world! Here are two of
my favorite books on mobile libraries.

My Librarian is a Camel
has maps, photos, and stories about everything from the animals
to wheel barrows, and busses.
Waiting for the Biblioburro
is a
beautiful picture book inspired by real-life librarian Luis Soriano Bohorquez, told through the eyes of a little girl. Both
are beautifully done and incredibly inspiring for all ages. And
finally, here is a photo of my own community’s mobile library!
Hold up the pictures of each animal as you sing. Ask children
what other animals might be used?
Set up pretend mobile library for children and have them “visit”
other children in the room so they can check out books.
Talk about your local library and any outreach services they
Ask children what might keep their neighbors from being able to
visit the library (no transportation, illness) and how they
might be able to help them have access books
Locate and read My Librarian is a Camel and show children
various locations on a map or globe. If your library doesn’t
have it, check
to locate a new or used copy.
I am a Library
I am a donkey, and I’m a library too
If you don’t have four walls and a roof I’ll bring the books to
Some people say I’m a hero, and you may think so too
But it’s the children’s librarian who packs up the books
that we
bring to you
I am a camel, and I’m a library too
If you don’t have four walls and a roof I’ll bring the books to
Some people say I’m a hero, and you may think so too
But it’s the children’s librarian who packs up the books
that we
bring to you
I am an elephant, and I’m a library too
If you don’t have four walls and a roof I’ll bring the books to
Some people say I’m a hero, and you may think so too
But it’s the children’s librarian who packs up the
books that we
bring to you
I am a horse, and I’m a library too
If you don’t have four walls and a roof I’ll bring the books to
Some people say I’m a hero, and you may think so too
But it’s the children’s librarian who packs up the
books that we
bring to you
