This is a short silly little song about that favorite vehicle, the
garbage truck! I like to combine it with the reading of Trashy Town,
by Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemesha.
Garbage Truck, Garbage Truck
Garbage truck, garbage truck, one, two, three
(clap or count fingers on 1, 2, 3)
Garbage truck, garbage truck, loud as can be
(cover ears
and nod head back and forth)
Dump all the garbage and smash it down
(cover ears and nod head back and forth)
Fill the truck before you leave this town
(pretend to dump a trash can, then shake finger on
“leave this town”)
Garbage truck, garbage truck, one, two, three
(clap or count fingers on 1, 2, 3)
Garbage truck, garbage truck, loud as can be
(cover ears and nod head back and forth)
Picks up the garbage up and down our street
(cover ears and nod head back and forth)
And takes it to the dump for the monsters to eat
(pump fists up in the air)
