Beanbags are favorite props
for children, and if you haven’t used them before, you’re in for some
The directions for this song are pretty self-explanatory. Talk through
the motions before playing it so children will be ready to fully
participate. If you don’t already have beanbags, you can easily make
them or purchase them from any teaching supply store, as well as many
toy and novelty stores.
Two of my favorite online stores are
Trading and
School Supply
Consider buying or making either different solid colored beanbags or
ones with a single letter on each. That way you can incorporate them
into more learning activities.
Beanbag Song
1. Put your beanbag under your chin
the way this song begins
Put your beanbag down on the ground
and take a little walk around it now.
Jump over it once, ready, set, go
Jump over it again, pick your beanbag up and
Toss it hand to hand for this
Is not the end my friend.
2. Put your beanbag on you head
put it down on your knees instead
Put your beanbag down on the ground
and take a little walk around it now.
Jump over it once, ready, set, go
Jump over it again, pick your beanbag up and
Toss it hand to hand for this
Is not the end my friend
Toss your beanbag up in the air
And catch it if you can
Beanbags up and beanbags down,
And beanbags sometimes on the ground.
3. Put your beanbag on you head
put it down on your knees instead
Put your beanbag down on the ground
And take a little walk around it now.
Jump over it once, ready, set, go
Jump over it again, pick your beanbag up and
Toss your beanbag in the air for this
Is the end my friend!