This month’s offering is a
perfect example of the power of the simple nursery rhyme. Put it to a
melody, and you have super brain food! Nursery rhymes build phonological awareness, vocabulary, and using the provided printable pages, letter knowledge, print awareness, and print motivation– five of the six skills
children need to become successful readers. We begin building these
skills from birth, simply by reading and singing with children.

Then read below for the specific ways you can use this song.
Print out the
8x10 pages, (
HERE to get them ) put them in a notebook, and use them as
you sing the song. Arrange them so you have the 2 pages for each
verse on opposing pages, so you don’t have to turn the page between
verses. (I like to use page protectors.)
Or, use the same
8X10 pages to make overheads, so children and read and sing along.
Print out and
assemble individual “little books” ( CLICK HERE
to get them ) for each child to use as you read and sing together .
Have children add
their own rhymes
Check out To
Market, To Market, by Anne Miranda. from the library. This
beautifully illustrated version of the song takes it in a whole
different (and silly!) direction. Notice that the rhyming syllable/s
or words are in red. Point this out to children, so they can see
what makes the rhyming sound.
NOTE: The recorded version of this song has instrumental spaces
built in to allow time to turn the page when using the printed materials.
To Market, To
1. To market,
to market, to buy a fat pig
again, home again, jiggety jig
To market, to market to buy a sweet dog
Home again, home again, jiggety jog
2. To market, to market, to buy some eggs
again, home again, jiggety jeggs
To market, to market to buy some bread
Home again, home again, jiggety jead
3. To market, to market to buy some apples
again, home again, jiggety japples
To market, to market to buy some bananas
Home again, home again, jiggety janas
4. To market, to market, to buy some carrots
again, home again, jiggety jarrots
To market, to market to buy some potatoes
Home again, home again, jiggety jatoes
5. To
market to market to buy some cake
again, home again, jiggety jake
To market, to market, to buy some pie
Home again, home again, jiggety jie.
