This sweet little finger play is a celebration of spring.
I've provided directions for a simple finger play if you'd like to use
When the Pretty Flowers Grow
When the seeds are in the ground
(hold hands out with fingers spread, wiggle fingers, scoop them down)
Crawling, creeping bugs are found
(wiggle fingers close together in front of body)
Bugs go up and bugs go down
(move wiggling fingers up and down)
When the seeds are in the ground
(hold hands out with fingers spread, wiggle fingers, scoop them down)
When the pretty flowers grow
(closed fingers of one hand move up through loose fist of other hand)
Bugs will come and bugs will go
(wiggle fingers out and back in)
Butterflies have wings to show
(hook thumbs and flutter fingers)
When the pretty flowers grow
(closed fingers of one hand move up through loose fist of other hand)
When the sun begins to shine
(make circle above head)
Flowers grow upon their vine
(twist hands with open fingers wiggle up in front of body)
All the bugs are feeling fine
(wiggle fingers close together)
When the sun begins to shine
(make circle above head)