Sing along with "5 Little Birdies"
from the Oodles of Animals CD

Backyard Boogie Activity Answers

Vegetable Garden:
  1. Peas
  2. Pepper
  3. Carrot
  4. Lettuce
  5. Onion
  6. Beans
  7. Eggplant
  8. Corn
  9. Potato
Track Them Down!
  1. Raccon
  2. Cat
  3. Robin (bird)
  4. Opossum
  5. Dog



Interesting Insects!
  1. Fly
  2. Cricket
  3. Bee
  4. Dragonfly
  5. Ant
Backyard Apple Tree
  1. Fuji -red
  2. Granny Smith -green
  3. Golden delicious - yellow
  4. Pink Lady - pinky red
  5. Gala - red

Just for Fun!
Tell Nancy you visited this page, and get a special
Backyard Boogie sticker at the next concert you attend!

Cool Links

The World Wide Raccoon Web    
Wild Republic
(you'll find the singing birds under Audubon Birds)   
 Apple Varieties | Washington Apples  
Folkmanis Puppets
Acorn Naturalists







Boogie Puzzle