Dancing Rainbow Colors

You can purchase ready made streamers if you don’t already have some, or use the ideas below to make your own. You could also use scarves for this song.

For the streamers you’ll need the actual streamers, and something to attach them to that the
children can hold. All of the materials below are inexpensive and readily available.

Ideas for streamers
Crepe paper for temporary streamers
Ripstop nylon for durable streamers (this can simply be cut, and doesn’t need to be hemmed)
Ribbons for fairly durable streamers

Ideas for holders:
Fabric covered hair elastics for bracelets (tie the streamers to them, and the children can wear them on their wrists)
Shower curtain rings
Large wooden rings used for curtain.

Dancing Rainbow Colors

I am dancing around with my rainbow colors

Dancing around and around
I am dancing around with my rainbow colors
Dancing around and around
I can reach up high and twirl them around, then twirl them slowly to the ground
I am dancing around with my rainbow colors
Dancing around and around

I am jumping up and down with my rainbow colors
Jumping, jumping up and down
I am jumping up and down with my rainbow colors
Jumping, jumping up and down
I can reach up high and twirl them around, then twirl them slowly to the ground
I am jumping up and down with my rainbow colors
Jumping, jumping up and down

I am swaying back and forth with my rainbow colors

Making and rainbow in the sky
I am swaying back and forth with my rainbow colors

Making a rainbow in the sky
I can reach up high and twirl them around, then twirl them slowly to the ground
I am swaying back and forth with my rainbow colors
Making a rainbow in the sky

Many more music activities are available at www.nancymusic.com